Is Anything Random?

I’ve recently been attending a virtual Bible study hosted by my friend, Tim Webb called Bible 102. The latest topic was God’s will and we’ve explored the question, “Why do things happen the way they do?” One of the many takeaways I have from this study is that while randomness exists among us humans, nothing…

The Auctioneer

I enjoyed this classic slow burning horror novel by Joan Samson. While indeed slow at times, it contains some of my literary desirables like a small town setting; believable, likable, and unlikable characters; and an antagonist with a much deeper message that moves beyond the pages of this book. I need more of this, but…


Sad. Disgusting. Disheartening. Infuriating. Still happening.

Dear School Leaders

As the 2023-2024 school year begins, I pray you make and keep the wellbeing, love, and care for your staff, students, yourself, and your own family your top priorities. Everything else is secondary.

Which is Crazier?

I know it may seem crazy to believe that a savior walked the Earth some 2000 years ago, was crucified, rose again, and was seen by thousands. Yet, because I’ve experienced and continue to experience God’s supernatural love, I fully believe. You know what else is crazy? Living in a time where an athlete can…


I believe the only truth that exists comes from the Bible. Hard to believe so many of us still find our own truth in there while either ignoring, overlooking, or misunderstanding God’s truth. I pray I can understand and follow God’s truth over my own truth.


Had a conversation with a trusted friend recently about being bored with routines. He helped me come to a revelation about myself. Due to building trauma-induced walls throughout my childhood and adulthood, I fear getting comfortable. I fear being comfortable with routine. I fear being basic and despise what I have determined is “normal.” I…

Keep Searching

If at first I don’t find a like mind to back up my opinion or a medical opinion to confirm (or discredit) my own unofficial diagnosis, I keep searching. It’s out there….not healthy, but comforting.

So Many Resources

I sometimes feel like we have too many organizations peddling too many resources toward too many initiatives. Can’t we just simplify everything and have three goals and use all of our resources for those? How about this? My school people get it. 1. Be responsible. 2. Be respectful. 3. Be safe. That is, in bureaucratic…


It’s easy to get overwhelmed from time to time. Life is hard. Take it one thing, one minute, one hour, and one day at a time. It’ll either work out or it won’t. Either way, try to think of something funny, laugh, and keep going. I love you.


I definitely understand that thoughts of gratitude are a much more positive start to my day versus thoughts of all of the obstacles and shortcomings that await. The hard part is acting on it. Just gotta do it, I guess. I’ll start now. I’m thankful that God is with me wherever I am and during…